Flipkart Interview Questions

Technical  Interview

  • Given a large list of numbers in a file and a very small amount of memory, sort the file.
  • Reverse linked list and a few questions on trees and dynamic prog and aptitude testing?
  • Given two string str and pat. Find minimum window in str which contains all characters from string pat.
  • Given a large list of numbers in a file and a very small amount of memory, sort the file.
  • How you will store a binary tree in a text file? Write algorithms to store the tree and retrieve it back.
  • Write code to find sum of two numbers stored as linked list.(LSB at last node) and head of each list is given.
  • Implement a phone book. You can search either by name or phone number. You can search by prefix also. Write  code with proper syntax.
  • Given integer number n, Print all valid parentheses for n=3 i.e. matching sets of 3 open brackets and 3 closed brackets.
  • Write an algorithm for partial key hashing. i.e; if Flipkart is inserted in the hash then searching for any of the sub strings should return the value stored.
  • Given a number, compute the nearest palindrome number. This palindrome number should be greater than given number.
  • Write code to print elements on the path from root to leaf node having the maximum sum.
  • Given an array find any three numbers which sum to zero. Give the best algorithm?
  • What is the complexity of retrieving min element from a max heap.
  • Given an array with integers 0,1,2 sort the array by swapping elements.
  • Given a binary tree and a node, find the depth of the node.
  • Tell about zombie process?

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