Questions & Answers from Infosys Placement Paper

  •  A child questions his father, "What is your father,s age", to which  the father answers "He was aged X in year X^2 (X square) ". If the  context is 20th Century, What is his Date of Birth?  
        Ans : 1892 
  • 51 teams are there and they are to play basketball matches. A team is out of the tournament if that looses 2 games. what is the maximum number of games to be played to decide one winner?
          Ans:101 matches 
  • A man rides cycle for two third of the distance to be covered,then his tyre got punctured. He walks the rest of the distance and found he took twice the time for walking compared to riding. How fast he can ride compared to walk?
            Ans: V(riding)=4*V(walking)[4 times] 
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